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This command category can be used to test most material models depend on load/stress input only without establishing a FE model. Some wrappers and material models that rely on other material models cannot be tested in this way.


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materialTestByLoad1D (1) (2) (3) [4...]
# (1) int, unique tag of the material model to use
# (2) double, size of per stress increment
# (3) int, number of steps along increment direction
# [4...] int, optional numbers of steps for stress history

materialTestByLoad2D (1) (2...4) (5) [6...]
# (1) int, unique tag of the material model to use
# (2...4) double, size of per stress increment
# (5) int, number of steps along increment direction
# [6...] int, optional numbers of steps for stress history

materialTestByLoad3D (1) (2...7) (8) [9...]
# (1) int, unique tag of the material model to use
# (2...7) double, size of per stress increment
# (8) int, number of steps along increment direction
# [9...] int, optional numbers of steps for stress history


  1. The Newton-Raphson method is implemented to solve the corresponding strain increments. Thus softening models should not be tested in this way.