The RigidWall constraint essentially implements artificial springs to alter the trajectories of
nodes. The physical implication is clear but the main issue is that the conservation of energy/momentum cannot be
The RestitutionWall constraint adopts a different approach to ensure the assigned restitution is satisfies. If the
coefficient of restitution is set to unity, conservation of energy/momentum is guaranteed.
The rigid wall constraints are single sided. Travelling against the outer normal direction is not allowed while the
other direction is permitted.
The 1D version takes the origin and the side of the wall as the inputs.
! infinite rigid wall by penalty
rigidwall (1) (2...4) (5...7) (8) [9]
constraint rigidwall (1) (2...4) (5...7) (8) [9]
# (1) int, unique constraint tag
# (2...4) double, coordinates of origin of rigid wall
# (5...7) double, vector of normal direction
# (8) double, coefficient of restitution
# [9] double, multiplier, default: 1E4
! finite rigid wall by penalty
finiterigidwall (1) (2...4) (5...7) (8...10) (11) [12]
constraint finiterigidwall (1) (2...4) (5...7) (8...10) (11) [12]
# (1) int, unique constraint tag
# (2...4) double, coordinates of origin of rigid wall
# (5...7) double, vector of first edge
# (8...10) double, vector of second edge
# (11) double, coefficient of restitution
# [12] double, multiplier, default: 1E4
It is assumed that the collision occurs within a very short time. As a result, the change of acceleration is not
reflected at either \(t_n\) or \(t_{n+1}\). The assumptions adopted are shown in the following figure.