[★★★☆☆] Lee's Frame
The Lee's frame is shown as follows.
The model can be downloaded. lees-frame.supan
Model Setup
Since this is an elastic analysis, we use EB21
element to model this problem. To suppress axial deformation, a large
area of \(500\) is assigned. The node and element definitions can be established as follows.
Both snap-back and snap-through are involved in this example, the arc length method shall be used. A reference load of magnitude \(-1\) is applied on the DoF 2 of node 7.
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Here the magnitude of reference load matters. A proper selection of reference load may help to converge. The algorithm
automatically scale the arc length so a stopping criterion shall be applied. If no solver is defined. To customize the
solving strategy, it is possible to define a Ramm
The above command defines a Ramm
solver using a fixed arc length of \(0.5\). By default, a maximum of \(1000\) sub
steps are allowed, this may not be sufficient, to change it the set
command can be called.
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With the above criterion, when the negative displacement of DoF2 of node 7 reaches \(-3.8\), the analysis stops.
Now the model can be analyzed.
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The sign of vertical displacement is flipped.