Validation US Designation¶
In this page, we validate the section properties of some US designations. All W, S, M, WT, ST, MT, HP, HSS designations, which are compiled and well documented in the AISC Shapes Database v16.0, are included.
Some Utilities¶
The spreadsheet is loaded directly via the url.
import pandas
section_table = pandas.read_excel(
storage_options={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"},
Type EDI_Std_Nomenclature AISC_Manual_Label T_F W A d ddet \ 0 W W44X408 W44X408 T 408.0 120.0 44.8 44.75 1 W W44X368 W44X368 F 368.0 108.0 44.4 44.375 2 W W44X335 W44X335 F 335.0 98.5 44 44 3 W W44X290 W44X290 F 290.0 85.4 43.6 43.625 4 W W44X262 W44X262 F 262.0 77.2 43.3 43.25 Ht h ... rts ho PA PA2 PB PC PD T WGi WGo 0 – – ... 4.33 42.6 134 – 150 106 122 38 5.5 3 1 – – ... 4.28 42.4 133 – 149 105 121 38 5.5 3 2 – – ... 4.24 42.2 132 – 148 104 120 38 5.5 3 3 – – ... 4.2 42 131 – 147 103 119 38 5.5 3 4 – – ... 4.17 41.9 131 – 147 102 118 38 5.5 3 [5 rows x 84 columns]
We define a function to get the area, moment of inertia about the strong and weak axes.
def get_properties(designation: str):
section = section_table[section_table["AISC_Manual_Label"] == designation]
return [section[x].values[0] for x in ("A", "Ix", "Iy")]
Analysis Template¶
Next, we define the function to run the analysis and extract the result.
The following is the template model file that will be used. A few things to note:
- The material is assumed to be elastic with a unit elastic modulus.
- The default integration scheme is used for each designation.
- A unit displacement load is applied to axial, strong axis bending and weak axis bending.
- The
category is used, it automatically recentre the section to its barycentre if it is not symmetric.
template = """
node 1 0 0 0
material Elastic1D 1 1
section US3DC $designation$ 1 1 1
element SingleSection3D 1 1 1
displacement 1 0 1 1 1
displacement 2 0 1 2 1
displacement 3 0 1 3 1
step static 1 1
set ini_step_size 1
peek node 1
By using the above settings, the resistances on three DoFs are effectively the area and moments of inertia.
Extract Results¶
To extract the data, we process the output.
import subprocess
import tempfile
def run_analysis(designation: str):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fp:
with open(, "w") as f:
f.write(template.replace("$designation$", designation))
result = (
subprocess.check_output(["suanpan", "-nu", "-nc", "-f",])
for i, line in enumerate(result):
if line.startswith("Resistance"):
return [float(x) for x in result[i + 1].split()]
The ratio between numerical result and the reference value given in the database is stored. Ideally, this ratio shall be close to unity, meaning a good match.
all_results = {}
def validate(designation: str):
if result := run_analysis(designation):
all_results[designation] = [
x / y for x, y in zip(result, get_properties(designation))
Collect All Sections¶
We can now iterate over all sections.
for _, row in section_table[
section_table["AISC_Manual_Label"].str.startswith(("W", "M", "S", "HP", "HSS"))
designation = row["AISC_Manual_Label"]
# ignore C sections
if designation.startswith("MC"):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(90, 50), tight_layout=True)
rhs_results = {
k: v for k, v in all_results.items() if k.startswith("HSS") and k.count("X") == 2
chs_results = {
k: v for k, v in all_results.items() if k.startswith("HSS") and k.count("X") == 1
i_results = {
k: v for k, v in all_results.items() if not k.startswith("HSS") and "T" not in k
t_results = {
k: v for k, v in all_results.items() if not k.startswith("HSS") and "T" in k
chs_t_results = {**chs_results, **t_results}
total = 3 * (int(bool(rhs_results)) + int(bool(i_results)) + int(bool(chs_t_results)))
counter = 0
def plot(title, index, results):
if not results:
values = [x[index] for x in results.values()]
min_value = min(values)
max_value = max(values)
colors = ["red" if abs(x - 1) > 0.05 else "green" for x in values]
global counter
counter += 1
ax = fig.add_subplot(total, 1, counter), values, color=colors)
ax.set_ybound(min_value - 0.02, max_value + 0.01)
ax.set_xlim(-1, len(results))
for i, v in enumerate(values):
i, min_value - 0.01, f"{v:.3f}", horizontalalignment="center", rotation=90
ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90)
plot("HSS (Rectangle) Area", 0, rhs_results)
plot("HSS (Rectangle) Strong Axis Moment of Inertia", 1, rhs_results)
plot("HSS (Rectangle) Weak Axis Moment of Inertia", 2, rhs_results)
plot("I-Section Area", 0, i_results)
plot("I-Section Strong Axis Moment of Inertia", 1, i_results)
plot("I-Section Weak Axis Moment of Inertia", 2, i_results)
plot("HSS (Circle) and T-Section Area", 0, chs_t_results)
"HSS (Circle) and T-Section Strong Axis Moment of Inertia",
plot("HSS (Circle) and T-Section Weak Axis Moment of Inertia", 2, chs_t_results)
In general, the area can be relatively accurately computed. However, as all those sections are internally modelled by three flat pieces, the root fillet cannot be accounted for. As a result, the numerical area is often smaller than the reference value.
Some very light M shapes cannot be well approximated.
Strong Axis Bending¶
Some very heavy T sections tend to have poor strong axis moment of inertia. In this shapes, the thickness of flange accounts for a significant portion of the overall depth. The normal stress in the flange presents gradient. In the meantime, there is only one layer of integration points along the thickness of flange, which is not accurate enough in this case.
Weak Axis Bending¶
The tapered shapes tend to have more material towards the center, as a result, the weak axis moment of inertia is smaller. It is modelled by a flat rectangle in numerical models, this overestimate the moment of inertia, mainly for S and ST shapes.
us_section = {}
for key, value in all_results.items():
num_ip = 10 if "HSS" in key and key.count("X") == 1 else 6
us_section[f"{key}-2D"] = {
"prefix": key,
"description": f"US 2D section {key}, accuracy: {value[0]:.2f}/{value[1]:.2f}",
"body": [
f"section US2D {key} " + "${1:(1)} ${2:(2)} ${3:[3]} ${4:[4]} ${5:[5]}",
"# (1) int, unique tag",
"# (2) int, material tag",
"# [3] double, scale, default: 1.0",
f"# [4] int, number of integration points, default: {num_ip}",
"# [5] double, eccentricity, default: 0.0",
us_section[f"{key}-3D"] = {
"prefix": key,
"description": f"US 3D section {key}, accuracy: {value[0]:.2f}/{value[1]:.2f}/{value[2]:.2f}",
"body": [
f"section US3D {key} "
+ "${1:(1)} ${2:(2)} ${3:[3]} ${4:[4]} ${5:[5]} ${6:[6]}",
"# (1) int, unique tag",
"# (2) int, material tag",
"# [3] double, scale, default: 1.0",
f"# [4] int, number of integration points, default: {num_ip}",
"# [5] double, eccentricity of y axis, default: 0.0",
"# [6] double, eccentricity of z axis, default: 0.0",
import json
with open("us_sections_completion.json", "w") as f:
json.dump({k: v for k, v in sorted(us_section.items())}, f, indent=4)
highlighting = []
for key in sorted(all_results.keys()):
"name": "support.constant.section",
"match": "\\b(?i)" + key.replace(".", "\\.") + "\\b",
with open("us_sections_highlight.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(highlighting, f, indent=4)
+ "|".join([x.replace(".", r"\.") for x in sorted(all_results.keys())])
+ r")\b"
from itertools import zip_longest
all_w = [x for x in all_results.keys() if x.startswith("W") and not x.startswith("WT")]
all_m = [x for x in all_results.keys() if x.startswith("M")]
all_s = [x for x in all_results.keys() if x.startswith("S") and not x.startswith("ST")]
all_hp = [x for x in all_results.keys() if x.startswith("HP")]
all_wt = [x for x in all_results.keys() if x.startswith("WT")]
all_mt = [x for x in all_results.keys() if x.startswith("MT")]
all_st = [x for x in all_results.keys() if x.startswith("ST")]
all_rhs = [x for x in all_results.keys() if x.startswith("HSS") and x.count("X") == 2]
all_chs = [x for x in all_results.keys() if x.startswith("HSS") and x.count("X") == 1]
md_table = [
"| W | M | S | HP | WT | MT | ST | HSS (Rectangle) | HSS (Circle) |",
for w, m, s, hp, wt, mt, st, rhs, chs in zip_longest(
all_w, all_m, all_s, all_hp, all_wt, all_mt, all_st, all_rhs, all_chs, fillvalue=""
| W | M | S | HP | WT | MT | ST | HSS (Rectangle) | HSS (Circle) | |:--------|:-----------|:---------|:---------|:-------------|:-----------|:------------|:--------------------|:----------------| |W44X335|M12.5X12.4|S24X121|HP18X204|WT22X167.5|MT6.25X6.2|ST12X60.5||| |W44X290|M12.5X11.6|S24X106|HP18X181|WT22X145|MT6.25X5.8|ST12X53||| |W44X262|M12X11.8|S24X100|HP18X157|WT22X131|MT6X5.9|ST12X50||| |W44X230|M12X10.8|S24X90|HP18X135|WT22X115|MT6X5.4|ST12X45||| |W40X655|M12X10|S24X80|HP16X183|WT20X327.5|MT6X5|ST12X40||| |W40X593|M10X9|S20X96|HP16X162|WT20X296.5|MT5X4.5|ST10X48||| |W40X503|M10X8|S20X86|HP16X141|WT20X251.5|MT5X4|ST10X43||| |W40X431|M10X7.5|S20X75|HP16X121|WT20X215.5|MT5X3.75|ST10X37.5||| |W40X397|M8X6.5|S20X66|HP16X101|WT20X198.5|MT4X3.25|ST10X33||| |W40X372|M8X6.2|S18X70|HP16X88|WT20X186|MT4X3.1|ST9X35||| |W40X362|M6X4.4|S18X54.7|HP14X117|WT20X181|MT3X2.2|ST9X27.35||| |W40X324|M6X3.7|S15X50|HP14X102|WT20X162|MT3X1.85|ST7.5X25||| |W40X297|M5X18.9|S15X42.9|HP14X89|WT20X148.5|MT2.5X9.45|ST7.5X21.45||| |W40X277|M4X6|S12X50|HP14X73|WT20X138.5|MT2X3|ST6X25||| |W40X249|M4X4.08|S12X40.8|HP12X89|WT20X124.5||ST6X20.4||| |W40X215|M3X2.9|S12X35|HP12X84|WT20X107.5||ST6X17.5||| |W40X199|MT6.25X6.2|S12X31.8|HP12X74|WT20X99.5||ST6X15.9||| |W40X392|MT6.25X5.8|S10X35|HP12X63|WT20X196||ST5X17.5||| |W40X331|MT6X5.9|S10X25.4|HP12X53|WT20X165.5||ST5X12.7||| |W40X327|MT6X5.4|S8X23|HP10X57|WT20X163.5||ST4X11.5||| |W40X294|MT6X5|S8X18.4|HP10X42|WT20X147||ST4X9.2||| |W40X278|MT5X4.5|S6X17.25|HP8X36|WT20X139||ST3X8.6||| |W40X264|MT5X4|S6X12.5||WT20X132||ST3X6.25||| |W40X235|MT5X3.75|S5X10||WT20X117.5||ST2.5X5||| |W40X211|MT4X3.25|S4X9.5||WT20X105.5||ST2X4.75||| |W40X183|MT4X3.1|S4X7.7||WT20X91.5||ST2X3.85||| |W40X167|MT3X2.2|S3X7.5||WT20X83.5||ST1.5X3.75||| |W40X149|MT3X1.85|S3X5.7||WT20X74.5||ST1.5X2.85||| |W36X925|MT2.5X9.45|||WT18X462.5||||| |W36X853|MT2X3|||WT18X426.5||||| |W36X802||||WT18X401||||| |W36X723||||WT18X361.5||||| |W36X652||||WT18X326||||| |W36X529||||WT18X264.5||||| |W36X487||||WT18X243.5||||| |W36X441||||WT18X220.5||||| |W36X395||||WT18X197.5||||| |W36X361||||WT18X180.5||||| |W36X330||||WT18X165||||| |W36X302||||WT18X151||||| |W36X282||||WT18X141||||| |W36X262||||WT18X131||||| |W36X247||||WT18X123.5||||| |W36X231||||WT18X115.5||||| |W36X256||||WT18X128||||| |W36X232||||WT18X116||||| |W36X210||||WT18X105||||| |W36X194||||WT18X97||||| |W36X182||||WT18X91||||| |W36X170||||WT18X85||||| |W36X160||||WT18X80||||| |W36X150||||WT18X75||||| |W36X135||||WT18X67.5||||| |W33X387||||WT16.5X193.5||||| |W33X354||||WT16.5X177||||| |W33X318||||WT16.5X159||||| |W33X291||||WT16.5X145.5||||| |W33X263||||WT16.5X131.5||||| |W33X241||||WT16.5X120.5||||| |W33X221||||WT16.5X110.5||||| |W33X201||||WT16.5X100.5||||| |W33X169||||WT16.5X84.5||||| |W33X152||||WT16.5X76||||| |W33X141||||WT16.5X70.5||||| |W33X130||||WT16.5X65||||| |W33X118||||WT16.5X59||||| |W30X391||||WT15X195.5||||| |W30X357||||WT15X178.5||||| |W30X326||||WT15X163||||| |W30X292||||WT15X146||||| |W30X261||||WT15X130.5||||| |W30X235||||WT15X117.5||||| |W30X211||||WT15X105.5||||| |W30X191||||WT15X95.5||||| |W30X173||||WT15X86.5||||| |W30X148||||WT15X74||||| |W30X132||||WT15X66||||| |W30X124||||WT15X62||||| |W30X116||||WT15X58||||| |W30X108||||WT15X54||||| |W30X99||||WT15X49.5||||| |W30X90||||WT15X45||||| |W27X539||||WT13.5X269.5||||| |W27X368||||WT13.5X184||||| |W27X336||||WT13.5X168||||| |W27X307||||WT13.5X153.5||||| |W27X281||||WT13.5X140.5||||| |W27X258||||WT13.5X129||||| |W27X235||||WT13.5X117.5||||| |W27X217||||WT13.5X108.5||||| |W27X194||||WT13.5X97||||| |W27X178||||WT13.5X89||||| |W27X161||||WT13.5X80.5||||| |W27X146||||WT13.5X73||||| |W27X129||||WT13.5X64.5||||| |W27X114||||WT13.5X57||||| |W27X102||||WT13.5X51||||| |W27X94||||WT13.5X47||||| |W27X84||||WT13.5X42||||| |W24X370||||WT12X185||||| |W24X335||||WT12X167.5||||| |W24X306||||WT12X153||||| |W24X279||||WT12X139.5||||| |W24X250||||WT12X125||||| |W24X229||||WT12X114.5||||| |W24X207||||WT12X103.5||||| |W24X192||||WT12X96||||| |W24X176||||WT12X88||||| |W24X162||||WT12X81||||| |W24X146||||WT12X73||||| |W24X131||||WT12X65.5||||| |W24X117||||WT12X58.5||||| |W24X104||||WT12X52||||| |W24X103||||WT12X51.5||||| |W24X94||||WT12X47||||| |W24X84||||WT12X42||||| |W24X76||||WT12X38||||| |W24X68||||WT12X34||||| |W24X62||||WT12X31||||| |W24X55||||WT12X27.5||||| |W21X275||||WT10.5X137.5||||| |W21X248||||WT10.5X124||||| |W21X223||||WT10.5X111.5||||| |W21X201||||WT10.5X100.5||||| |W21X182||||WT10.5X91||||| |W21X166||||WT10.5X83||||| |W21X147||||WT10.5X73.5||||| |W21X132||||WT10.5X66||||| |W21X122||||WT10.5X61||||| |W21X111||||WT10.5X55.5||||| |W21X101||||WT10.5X50.5||||| |W21X93||||WT10.5X46.5||||| |W21X83||||WT10.5X41.5||||| |W21X73||||WT10.5X36.5||||| |W21X68||||WT10.5X34||||| |W21X62||||WT10.5X31||||| |W21X55||||WT10.5X27.5||||| |W21X48||||WT10.5X24||||| |W21X57||||WT10.5X28.5||||| |W21X50||||WT10.5X25||||| |W21X44||||WT10.5X22||||| |W18X311||||WT9X155.5||||| |W18X283||||WT9X141.5||||| |W18X258||||WT9X129||||| |W18X234||||WT9X117||||| |W18X211||||WT9X105.5||||| |W18X192||||WT9X96||||| |W18X175||||WT9X87.5||||| |W18X158||||WT9X79||||| |W18X143||||WT9X71.5||||| |W18X130||||WT9X65||||| |W18X119||||WT9X59.5||||| |W18X106||||WT9X53||||| |W18X97||||WT9X48.5||||| |W18X86||||WT9X43||||| |W18X76||||WT9X38||||| |W18X71||||WT9X35.5||||| |W18X65||||WT9X32.5||||| |W18X60||||WT9X30||||| |W18X55||||WT9X27.5||||| |W18X50||||WT9X25||||| |W18X46||||WT9X23||||| |W18X40||||WT9X20||||| |W18X35||||WT9X17.5||||| |W16X100||||WT8X50||||| |W16X89||||WT8X44.5||||| |W16X77||||WT8X38.5||||| |W16X67||||WT8X33.5||||| |W16X57||||WT8X28.5||||| |W16X50||||WT8X25||||| |W16X45||||WT8X22.5||||| |W16X40||||WT8X20||||| |W16X36||||WT8X18||||| |W16X31||||WT8X15.5||||| |W16X26||||WT8X13||||| |W14X873||||WT7X436.5||||| |W14X808||||WT7X404||||| |W14X730||||WT7X365||||| |W14X665||||WT7X332.5||||| |W14X605||||WT7X302.5||||| |W14X550||||WT7X275||||| |W14X500||||WT7X250||||| |W14X455||||WT7X227.5||||| |W14X426||||WT7X213||||| |W14X398||||WT7X199||||| |W14X370||||WT7X185||||| |W14X342||||WT7X171||||| |W14X311||||WT7X155.5||||| |W14X283||||WT7X141.5||||| |W14X257||||WT7X128.5||||| |W14X233||||WT7X116.5||||| |W14X211||||WT7X105.5||||| |W14X193||||WT7X96.5||||| |W14X176||||WT7X88||||| |W14X159||||WT7X79.5||||| |W14X145||||WT7X72.5||||| |W14X132||||WT7X66||||| |W14X120||||WT7X60||||| |W14X109||||WT7X54.5||||| |W14X99||||WT7X49.5||||| |W14X90||||WT7X45||||| |W14X82||||WT7X41||||| |W14X74||||WT7X37||||| |W14X68||||WT7X34||||| |W14X61||||WT7X30.5||||| |W14X53||||WT7X26.5||||| |W14X48||||WT7X24||||| |W14X43||||WT7X21.5||||| |W14X38||||WT7X19||||| |W14X34||||WT7X17||||| |W14X30||||WT7X15||||| |W14X26||||WT7X13||||| |W14X22||||WT7X11||||| |W12X336||||WT6X168||||| |W12X305||||WT6X152.5||||| |W12X279||||WT6X139.5||||| |W12X252||||WT6X126||||| |W12X230||||WT6X115||||| |W12X210||||WT6X105||||| |W12X190||||WT6X95||||| |W12X170||||WT6X85||||| |W12X152||||WT6X76||||| |W12X136||||WT6X68||||| |W12X120||||WT6X60||||| |W12X106||||WT6X53||||| |W12X96||||WT6X48||||| |W12X87||||WT6X43.5||||| |W12X79||||WT6X39.5||||| |W12X72||||WT6X36||||| |W12X65||||WT6X32.5||||| |W12X58||||WT6X29||||| |W12X53||||WT6X26.5||||| |W12X50||||WT6X25||||| |W12X45||||WT6X22.5||||| |W12X40||||WT6X20||||| |W12X35||||WT6X17.5||||| |W12X30||||WT6X15||||| |W12X26||||WT6X13||||| |W12X22||||WT6X11||||| |W12X19||||WT6X9.5||||| |W12X16||||WT6X8||||| |W12X14||||WT6X7||||| |W10X112||||WT5X56||||| |W10X100||||WT5X50||||| |W10X88||||WT5X44||||| |W10X77||||WT5X38.5||||| |W10X68||||WT5X34||||| |W10X60||||WT5X30||||| |W10X54||||WT5X27||||| |W10X49||||WT5X24.5||||| |W10X45||||WT5X22.5||||| |W10X39||||WT5X19.5||||| |W10X33||||WT5X16.5||||| |W10X30||||WT5X15||||| |W10X26||||WT5X13||||| |W10X22||||WT5X11||||| |W10X19||||WT5X9.5||||| |W10X17||||WT5X8.5||||| |W10X15||||WT5X7.5||||| |W10X12||||WT5X6||||| |W8X67||||WT4X33.5||||| |W8X58||||WT4X29||||| |W8X48||||WT4X24||||| |W8X40||||WT4X20||||| |W8X35||||WT4X17.5||||| |W8X31||||WT4X15.5||||| |W8X28||||WT4X14||||| |W8X24||||WT4X12||||| |W8X21||||WT4X10.5||||| |W8X18||||WT4X9||||| |W8X15||||WT4X7.5||||| |W8X13||||WT4X6.5||||| |W8X10||||WT4X5||||| |W6X25||||WT3X12.5||||| |W6X20||||WT3X10||||| |W6X15||||WT3X7.5||||| |W6X16||||WT3X8||||| |W6X12||||WT3X6||||| |W6X9||||WT3X4.5||||| |W6X8.5||||WT3X4.25||||| |W5X19||||WT2.5X9.5||||| |W5X16||||WT2.5X8||||| |W4X13||||WT2X6.5|||||