Solver for symmetric band positive definite matrices. More...
#include <ppbsv.hpp>
Solver for symmetric band positive definite matrices.
solver supports KLU, a zero (half) bandwidth would lead to unwanted warning message from ScaLAPACK. It solves the system of linear equations A*X=B
with a symmetric band positive definite matrix A
. The band matrix A
has KLU
sub-diagonals. It shall be stored in the following format. The band storage scheme is illustrated by the following example, when M=N=6
, KLU=2
For ‘UPLO='L’`, the lower half is stored.
The lead dimension should be KLU+1
With zero based indexing, for a general band matrix A
, the element at row i
and column j
is stored at A[IDX(i, j)]
For ‘UPLO='U’`, the upper half is stored.
The lead dimension should be KLU+1
With zero based indexing, for a general band matrix A
, the element at row i
and column j
is stored at A[IDX(i, j)]