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ppbsv Class Reference

Solver for symmetric band positive definite matrices. More...

#include <ppbsv.hpp>

Detailed Description

Solver for symmetric band positive definite matrices.

Although the ppbsv solver supports KLU, a zero (half) bandwidth would lead to unwanted warning message from ScaLAPACK.
See: https://github.com/Reference-ScaLAPACK/scalapack/issues/116

It solves the system of linear equations A*X=B with a symmetric band positive definite matrix A. The band matrix A has KLU sub-diagonals. It shall be stored in the following format. The band storage scheme is illustrated by the following example, when M=N=6, KLU=2.

For ‘UPLO='L’`, the lower half is stored.

a11 a22 a33 a44 a55 a66
a21 a32 a43 a54 a65 .
a31 a42 a53 a64 . .

The lead dimension should be KLU+1.

With zero based indexing, for a general band matrix A, the element at row i and column j is stored at A[IDX(i, j)].

const auto IDX = [&](int i, int j) {
if(i < j) std::swap(i, j);
if(i - j > KLU) return -1;
return i + j * KLU;

For ‘UPLO='U’`, the upper half is stored.

. . a13 a24 a35 a46
. a12 a23 a34 a45 a56
a11 a22 a33 a44 a55 a66

The lead dimension should be KLU+1.

With zero based indexing, for a general band matrix A, the element at row i and column j is stored at A[IDX(i, j)].

const auto IDX = [&](int i, int j) {
if(i > j) std::swap(i, j);
if(j - i > KLU) return -1;
return 2 * j - i + (j + 1) * KLU;

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