Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- o -
- object() : load
- objective_scale() : NonlinearK4
- op_add() : op_add< T >
- op_scale() : op_scale< T >
- operator bool() : ResourceHolder< T >
- operator()() : BandMat< T >, BandMatSpike< T >, BandSymmMat< T >, csc_comparator< index_t >, csc_form< data_t, index_t >, csr_comparator< index_t >, csr_form< data_t, index_t >, FullMat< T >, IntegrationPlan, material_property, MetaMat< T >, SparseMat< T >, SymmPackMat< T >, triplet_form< data_t, index_t >
- operator*() : BandMat< T >, BandMatSpike< T >, BandSymmMat< T >, csc_form< data_t, index_t >, csr_form< data_t, index_t >, FullMat< T >, MetaMat< T >, Quaternion< T >, SparseMat< T >, SymmPackMat< T >, triplet_form< data_t, index_t >
- operator*=() : csc_form< data_t, index_t >, csr_form< data_t, index_t >, DenseMat< T >, MetaMat< T >, Quaternion< T >, SparseMat< T >, triplet_form< data_t, index_t >
- operator+() : Quaternion< T >, triplet_form< data_t, index_t >
- operator+=() : MetaMat< T >, Quaternion< T >, triplet_form< data_t, index_t >
- operator-() : Quaternion< T >, triplet_form< data_t, index_t >
- operator-=() : MetaMat< T >, Quaternion< T >, triplet_form< data_t, index_t >
- operator->() : ResourceHolder< T >
- operator/() : csc_form< data_t, index_t >, csr_form< data_t, index_t >, Quaternion< T >, triplet_form< data_t, index_t >
- operator/=() : csc_form< data_t, index_t >, csr_form< data_t, index_t >, Quaternion< T >, triplet_form< data_t, index_t >
- operator<<() : sync_ostream
- operator=() : BSpline, BSplineSurface, BSplineVolume, Constraint, Converger, csc_form< data_t, index_t >, csr_form< data_t, index_t >, Degradation, DenseMat< T >, DKT3::IntegrationPoint::SectionIntegrationPoint, DKT4::IntegrationPoint::SectionIntegrationPoint, DKTS3::IntegrationPoint::SectionIntegrationPoint, Domain, DomainBase, Element, ElementBase, Expression, ExternalMaterial, ExternalModule, Fibre, FrameRecorder, Group, Integrator, Load, Material, MetaMat< T >, Modifier, Node, Orientation, Preconditioner< data_t >, Recorder, ResourceHolder< T >, S4::IntegrationPoint::SectionIntegrationPoint, Section, SectionShell, SGCMS::IntegrationPoint::SectionIntegrationPoint, Solver, SparseMatBaseMUMPS< T >, SparseMatLis< T >, SparseMatSuperLU< T >, Step, Storage< T >, sync_ostream, Tag, triplet_form< data_t, index_t >
- operator==() : ResourceHolder< T >
- operator[]() : Storage< T >
- optimize() : LBFGS
- Orientation() : B2DL, B3DL, Orientation, T2DL, T3DL
- OriginOriented() : OriginOriented
- OrthotropicElastic3D() : OrthotropicElastic3D
- OS146() : OS146
- OS146S() : OS146S
- Oscillator() : Oscillator< T >
- output_size() : Expression, SimpleVectorExpression