No Matches
Tag Class Reference

A base Tag class. More...

#include <Tag.h>

Inheritance diagram for Tag:
Collaboration diagram for Tag:

Public Member Functions

 Tag (unsigned=0)
 Tag (const Tag &)=default
 Tag (Tag &&)=default
Tagoperator= (const Tag &)=delete
Tagoperator= (Tag &&)=delete
virtual ~Tag ()=default
void set_tag (unsigned) const
unsigned get_tag () const
void enable ()
void disable ()
void guard ()
void unguard ()
bool is_active () const
bool is_guarded () const
virtual void print ()

Detailed Description

A base Tag class.

The Tag class is a base class which stores the object's unique_tag and class_tag. Additionally, the Tag class defines status of an object, which is stored in variable alive. By testing its value, the object can be removed or added to the global system.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Tag() [1/3]

Tag::Tag ( unsigned  T = 0)

◆ Tag() [2/3]

Tag::Tag ( const Tag )

◆ Tag() [3/3]

Tag::Tag ( Tag &&  )

◆ ~Tag()

virtual Tag::~Tag ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ disable()

void Tag::disable ( )

◆ enable()

void Tag::enable ( )

◆ get_tag()

unsigned Tag::get_tag ( ) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ guard()

void Tag::guard ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_active()

bool Tag::is_active ( ) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_guarded()

bool Tag::is_guarded ( ) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator=() [1/2]

Tag & Tag::operator= ( const Tag )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

Tag & Tag::operator= ( Tag &&  )

◆ print()

void Tag::print ( )

Reimplemented in ElementExample, MaterialExample, SectionExample, Group, Node, B21, B21H, B31, B31OS, EB21, EB31OS, F21, F21H, F31, MVLEM, NMB21, NMB31, C3D20, C3D4, C3D8, C3D8I, CIN3D8, DC3D4, DC3D8, CAX3, CAX4, CAX8, CSMQ, CSMQ4, CSMQ8, CSMT3, CSMT6, Allman, GCMQ, GQ12, SGCMQ, CINP4, PS, QE2, DCP3, DCP4, CP3, CP4, CP4I, CP5, CP6, CP7, CP8, PCPE4DC, PCPE4UC, PCPE8DC, PCPE8UC, PatchCube, PatchQuad, DKT3, DKT4, Mindlin, DKTS3, S4, SGCMS, Damper01, Damper02, Joint, MassBase, SingleSection2D, SingleSection3D, Spring01, Spring02, T2D2, T2D2S, T3D2, T3D2S, Combine, Constant, Cosine, CustomAmplitude, Decay, Linear, Modulated, NZStrongMotion, Ramp, Sine, Tabular, TabularSpline, ConcreteCM, NonlinearK4, AsymmElastic1D, BilinearElastic1D, CustomElastic1D, Elastic1D, MultilinearElastic1D, PolyElastic1D, Sinh1D, Tanh1D, AFC, BilinearOO, BilinearPO, BoucWen, BWBN, CoulombFriction, Flag, Gap01, MPF, MultilinearOO, MultilinearPO, PeakOriented, RambergOsgood, SlipLock, SteelBRB, Trivial, Material1D, Kelvin, Maxwell, NonlinearViscosity, Nonviscous01, ArmstrongFrederick1D, Bilinear1D, CustomGurson1D, ExpGurson1D, MultilinearMises1D, Subloading1D, VAFCRP1D, Parallel, Sequential, Uniaxial, Concrete21, Concrete22, DuncanSelig, AxisymmetricElastic, Elastic2D, Axisymmetric, Laminated, PlaneStrain, PlaneStress, Rebar2D, Rotation2D, BilinearCC, CustomCC, ExpCC, ParabolicCC, CDPM2, NonlinearCDP, BilinearDP, CustomDP, ExpDP, NonlinearDruckerPrager, BlatzKo, IsotropicElastic3D, IsotropicNonlinearElastic3D, MooneyRivlin, OrthotropicElastic3D, Yeoh, CustomHoffman, NonlinearHoffman, TimberPD, DafaliasManzari, SimpleSand, ArmstrongFrederick, BilinearJ2, CustomGurson, CustomJ2, ExpGurson, ExpJ2, MultilinearJ2, NonlinearGurson, NonlinearJ2, NonlinearPeric, PolyJ2, Subloading, VAFCRP, Stacked, Substepping, ElasticOS, UniversalOS, OS146S, AmplitudeRecorder, EigenRecorder, ElementRecorder, FrameRecorder, GlobalMassRecorder, GlobalRecorder, GlobalStiffnessRecorder, GroupElementRecorder, GroupNodeRecorder, GroupSumRecorder, NodeRecorder, Recorder, SumRecorder, VisualisationRecorder, Fibre, Circle1D, Rectangle1D, TrussSection, Box2D, Cell2D, Circle2D, CircularHollow2D, HSection2D, ISection2D, Rectangle2D, Box3D, Cell3D, Circle3D, CircularHollow3D, ISection3D, Rectangle3D, NM2D1, NM3D1, SectionNM, Cell3DOS, Arnoldi, BFGS, FEAST, BatheExplicit, BatheTwoStep, GeneralizedAlpha, GeneralizedAlphaExplicit, GSSSS, LeeNewmark, LeeNewmarkFull, LeeNewmarkIterative, Newmark, NonviscousNewmark, OALTS, Tchamwa, WilsonPenzienNewmark, Newton, AICN, Ramm, and Expression.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_tag()

void Tag::set_tag ( unsigned  T) const
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ unguard()

void Tag::unguard ( )

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