►Nmagic_enum | |
►Ncustomize | |
Cenum_range< OutputType > | |
►Nsuanpan | |
►Ndamping | |
Celemental | |
Crayleigh | |
►Nmass | |
Clumped_scale | |
Clumped_simple | |
►Ntensor | |
►Nbase | |
CBase3D | |
CAbsDisp | Handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges |
CAbsError | That handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges |
CAbsIncreAcc | That handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges |
CAbsIncreDisp | That handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges |
CAbsIncreEnergy | Handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges |
CAbsResidual | The Converger class handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges according to various rules |
CAFC | A AFC material class |
CAllman | The Allman class |
CAmplitude | An Amplitude class that can generate Amplitude pattern |
CAmplitudeRecorder | A AmplitudeRecorder class |
CArcLength | A ArcLength class |
CArmstrongFrederick | Defines a nonlinear hardening material with mixed hardening (isotropic and kinematic) based on J2 plasticity rule |
CArmstrongFrederick1D | Defines a nonlinear hardening material with mixed hardening (isotropic and kinematic) based on J2 plasticity rule |
CArnoldi | A Arnoldi class defines a solver using Arnoldi iteration |
CAsymmElastic1D | A 1-D Elastic class |
CAxisymmetric | A Axisymmetric class |
CAxisymmetricElastic | Defines a isotropic elastic material |
CB21 | The B21 class |
CB21E | The B21E class |
CB21H | The B21H class |
CB2DC | A B2DC class |
CB2DL | A B2DL class |
CB31 | The B31 class |
CB31OS | The B31OS class |
CB3DC | A B3DC class |
CB3DL | A B3DL class |
CB3DOSC | A B3DOSC class |
CB3DOSL | A B3DOSL class |
CBandMat | A BandMat class that holds matrices |
CBandMatCUDA | A BandMatCUDA class that holds matrices |
CBandMatMAGMA | A BandMatMAGMA class that holds matrices |
CBandMatSpike | A BandMatSpike class that holds matrices |
CBandSymmMat | A BandSymmMat class that holds matrices |
CBatheExplicit | A BatheExplicit class defines a solver using BatheExplicit algorithm |
CBatheTwoStep | A BatheTwoStep class defines a solver using BatheTwoStep algorithm |
CBead | A Bead class is a top level container |
CBFGS | The (L-)BFGS class defines a solver using BFGS iteration method |
CBilinear1D | A Bilinear1D material class |
CBilinearCC | The BilinearCC class |
CBilinearDP | The BilinearDP class |
CBilinearElastic1D | A BilinearElastic1D material class |
CBilinearHoffman | The BilinearHoffman class |
CBilinearJ2 | Defines a bilinear hardening material with mixed hardening (isotropic and kinematic) based on J2 plasticity rule |
CBilinearMises1D | A BilinearMises1D material class |
CBilinearOO | A BilinearOO material class |
CBilinearPeric | The BilinearPeric class |
CBilinearPO | A BilinearPO material class |
CBilinearViscosity | A 1D Viscosity class |
CBlatzKo | The BlatzKo class |
CBodyForce | A BodyForce class |
CBoucWen | The BoucWen class |
CBox2D | A Box2D class |
CBox3D | A Box3D class |
CBSpline | |
CBSplineCurve2D | |
CBSplineCurve3D | |
CBSplineCurve4D | |
CBSplineSurface | |
CBSplineSurface2D | |
CBSplineSurface3D | |
CBSplineSurface4D | |
CBSplineVolume | |
CBSplineVolume3D | |
CBSplineVolume4D | |
CBuckle | A Buckle class |
CBWBN | The BWBN class |
CC3D20 | Defines C3D20 C3D20R elements |
CC3D4 | Defines C3D4 elements with non-linear support |
CC3D8 | Defines C3D8 C3D8R elements |
CC3D8I | Defines C3D8I C3D8IR elements |
CCAX3 | Defines CAX3 element |
CCAX4 | The CAX4 class |
CCAX8 | The CAX8 class |
CCDP | The CDP class |
CCDPM2 | The CDPM2 class |
CCell2D | A Cell2D class |
CCell3D | A Cell3D class |
CCell3DOS | A Cell3DOS class |
CCIN3D8 | Defines CIN3D8 CIN3D8R elements |
CCINP4 | Handles CINPS4 and CINPE4 elements |
CCircle1D | A Circle1D class |
CCircle2D | A Circle2D class |
CCircle3D | A Circle3D class |
CCircularHollow2D | A CircularHollow2D class |
CCircularHollow3D | A CircularHollow3D class |
CCombine | A Combine class that can generate Amplitude pattern |
CComplementaryEnergyEvolution | A ComplementaryEnergyEvolution class |
CComplexHysteresis | A ComplexHysteresis material class |
CConcrete21 | A Concrete21 material class |
CConcrete22 | A Concrete22 material class |
CConcreteCM | A ConcreteCM material class |
CConcreteExp | A ConcreteExp material class |
CConcreteK4 | |
CConcreteTable | A ConcreteTable material class |
CConcreteTsai | A ConcreteTsai material class |
CConditionalModifier | A ConditionalModifier class |
CConstant | An Amplitude class that can generate Amplitude pattern |
CConstraint | A Constraint class |
CContact2D | A Contact2D class |
CContact3D | A Contact3D class |
CConverger | Handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges according to various rules |
CConverter | |
CCosine | An Amplitude class that can generate Amplitude pattern |
CCoulombFriction | The CoulombFriction class |
CCP3 | Defines CPS3 CPE3 elements |
CCP4 | Handles CPS4, CPE4, CPS4R and CPE4R elements. It is a four node constant strain membrane element with optional reduced integration for both plane stress and plane strain problems and optional switch for TL nonlinear geometry formulation |
CCP4I | Handles CPS4I, CPE4I |
CCP5 | Handles CPS5, CPE5, CPS5R and CPE5R elements. It is a four node constant strain membrane element with optional reduced integration for both plane stress and plane strain problems |
CCP6 | Defines CPS6 CPE6 elements |
CCP7 | Handles CPS5, CPE5, CPS5R and CPE5R elements. It is a four node constant strain membrane element with optional reduced integration for both plane stress and plane strain problems |
CCP8 | Handles CPS8, CPE8, CPS8R and CPE8R elements. It is a four node constant strain membrane element with optional reduced integration for both plane stress and plane strain problems |
CCriterion | A Criterion class |
Ccsc_comparator | |
Ccsc_form | |
CCSMQ | The CSMQ class |
CCSMQ4 | The CSMQ4 class |
CCSMQ5 | |
CCSMQ6 | |
CCSMQ7 | |
CCSMQ8 | The CSMQ8 class |
CCSMT3 | The CSMT3 class |
CCSMT6 | The CSMT6 class |
Ccsr_comparator | |
Ccsr_form | |
CCustomAmplitude | An Amplitude class that can generate Amplitude pattern |
CCustomCC | The CustomCC class |
CCustomCDP | The CustomCDP class |
CCustomDP | The CustomDP class |
CCustomElastic1D | A 1D Elastic class using custom constitutive equation |
CCustomGurson | The CustomGurson class |
CCustomGurson1D | The CustomGurson1D class |
CCustomHoffman | The CustomHoffman class |
CCustomJ2 | The CustomJ2 class |
CCustomMises1D | A CustomMises1D material class |
CCustomNodeGroup | The CustomNodeGroup class |
CCustomStrainDegradation | The CustomStrainDegradation class |
CCustomStressDegradation | The CustomStressDegradation class |
CCustomViscosity | A 1D Viscosity class |
CDafaliasManzari | The DafaliasManzari class |
CDamper01 | A Damper01 class |
CDamper02 | A Damper02 class |
CDamper05 | |
CDataAFC | |
CDataArmstrongFrederick | |
CDataArmstrongFrederick1D | |
CDataAsymmElastic1D | |
CDatabase | A Database class is a top level container |
CDataBilinear1D | |
CDataBilinearCC | |
CDataBilinearDP | |
CDataBilinearElastic1D | |
CDataBilinearHoffman | |
CDataBilinearJ2 | |
CDataBilinearMises1D | |
CDataBilinearOO | |
CDataBilinearPeric | |
CDataBilinearPO | |
CDataBilinearViscosity | |
CDataBlatzKo | |
CDataBoucWen | |
CDataBWBN | |
CDataCDPM2 | |
CDataConcreteExp | |
CDataConcreteK4 | |
CDataCoulombFriction | |
CDataCoupleMaterial | |
CDataDafaliasManzari | |
CDataDhakal | |
CDataElastic1D | |
CDataElasticOS | |
CDataElement | |
CDataExpCC | |
CDataExpDP | |
CDataExpGurson | |
CDataExpGurson1D | |
CDataExpHoffman | |
CDataExpJ2 | |
CDataExpMises1D | |
CDataFlag | |
CDataFluid | |
CDataGap01 | |
CDataIsotropicElastic3D | |
CDataMaterial | |
CDataMises1D | |
CDataMooneyRivlin | |
CDataMPF | |
CDataMultilinearElastic1D | |
CDataMultilinearMises1D | |
CDataMultilinearOO | |
CDataMultilinearPO | |
CDataNLE3D01 | |
CDataNonlinearCamClay | |
CDataNonlinearCDP | |
CDataNonlinearDruckerPrager | |
CDataNonlinearGurson | |
CDataNonlinearGurson1D | |
CDataNonlinearHoffman | |
CDataNonlinearJ2 | |
CDataNonlinearK4 | |
CDataNonlinearNM | |
CDataNonlinearPeric | |
CDataNonlinearViscosity | |
CDataNonviscous01 | |
CDataParabolicCC | |
CDataPolyElastic1D | |
CDataPolyJ2 | |
CDataRambergOsgood | |
CDataSection | |
CDataSectionNM | |
CDataSectionNM2D | |
CDataSectionNM3D | |
CDataSimpleHysteresis | |
CDataSimpleSand | |
CDataSinh1D | |
CDataSlipLock | |
CDataSteelBRB | |
►CDataSubloading | |
CSaturation | |
►CDataSubloading1D | |
CSaturation | |
CDataTanh1D | |
CDataTimberPD | |
CDataTrilinearStrainDegradation | |
CDataViscosity01 | |
CDataViscosity02 | |
CDataYeoh | |
CDC3D4 | Defines DC3D4 elements |
CDC3D8 | The DC3D8 class |
CDCP3 | The DCP3 class |
CDCP4 | The DCP4 class |
CDecay | An Amplitude class that can generate Amplitude pattern |
CDegradation | The Degradation class |
CDenseMat | A DenseMat class that holds matrices |
CDhakal | The Dhakal class |
CDKT3 | A DKT3 plate class |
CDKT4 | A DKT4 plate class |
CDKTS3 | A DKTS3 class |
CDomain | A Domain class holds all FE model components |
CDomainBase | Template |
CDuncanSelig | A DuncanSelig material class |
CDynamic | A Dynamic class |
CEB21 | The ElasticB21 class |
CEB31OS | The EB31OS class |
CEigenRecorder | A EigenRecorder class |
CElastic1D | A 1-D Elastic class |
CElastic2D | Defines a isotropic elastic material for plane stress and plane strain problems |
CElasticOS | Defines a isotropic elastic material for open section problems |
CElement | A Element class |
CElementalLee | A ElementalLee damping class |
CElementalModal | A ElementalModal damping class |
CElementalNonviscous | A ElementalNonviscous damping class |
CElementalNonviscousGroup | |
CElementBase | A ElementBase class |
CElementExample | |
CElementGroup | The ElementGroup class |
CElementRecorder | A ElementRecorder class |
CElementTemplate | Illustrates the basic formulation a typical Element class used in FEM analysis |
CEmbed | A Embed class |
CEmbed2D | |
CEmbed3D | |
CEmbedded | A Embedded class |
CEmbedded2D | |
CEmbedded3D | |
CEnergyEvolution | A EnergyEvolution class |
CExpCC | The ExpCC class |
CExpDP | The ExpDP class |
CExpGurson | The ExpGurson class |
CExpGurson1D | The ExpGurson1D class |
CExpHoffman | The ExpHoffman class |
CExpJ2 | The ExpJ2 class |
CExplicitIntegrator | |
CExpMises1D | A ExpMises1D material class |
CExpression | A Expression class represents a maths expression |
CExternalMaterial | A ExternalMaterial class |
CExternalMaterialData | A ExternalMaterialData class |
CExternalModule | A ExternalModule class handles communication between the main program and external library |
CF21 | The F21 class |
CF21H | The F21H class |
CF31 | The F31 class |
CFactory | A Factory class |
CFEAST | A FEAST class defines a solver using FEAST iteration |
CFibre | A Fibre class |
CFibre1D | A Fibre1D class |
CFibre2D | A Fibre2D class |
CFibre3D | A Fibre3D class |
CFibre3DOS | A Fibre3DOS class |
CFixedLength | A FixedLength class |
CFixedNumber | Handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges |
CFlag | A Flag material class |
CFluid | A Fluid class |
CFrameRecorder | A FrameRecorder class |
CFrequency | A Frequency class |
CFullMat | A FullMat class that holds matrices |
CFullMatCUDA | A FullMatCUDA class that holds matrices |
CGap01 | Defines a gap material. This material does not response to compression, but show bilinear elastic-perfectly plastic response with the elastic modulus of \(E\) and the yield stress of \(\sigma_y\). The material also shows a gap feature during reloading stage, i.e., from zero stress to tension stress |
CGCMQ | A GCMQ class |
CGeneralizedAlpha | A GeneralizedAlpha class defines a solver using GeneralizedAlpha algorithm |
CGeneralizedAlphaExplicit | A GeneralizedAlphaExplicit class defines a solver using GeneralizedAlphaExplicit algorithm |
CGlobalMassRecorder | A GlobalMassRecorder class |
CGlobalRecorder | A GlobalRecorder class |
CGlobalStiffnessRecorder | A GlobalStiffnessRecorder class |
CGQ12 | Implements the displacement based four node quadrilateral drilling element proposed by Long and Xu (1994) |
CGroup | The Group class |
CGroupBodyForce | A GroupBodyForce class |
CGroupElementRecorder | A GroupElementRecorder class |
CGroupGroup | The GroupGroup class |
CGroupLoad | |
CGroupMultiplierBC | A GroupMultiplierBC class handles boundary conditions |
CGroupNodalDisplacement | A GroupNodalDisplacement class |
CGroupNodalForce | A GroupNodalForce class |
CGroupNodeRecorder | A GroupNodeRecorder class |
CGroupPenaltyBC | A GroupPenaltyBC class handles boundary conditions |
CGroupSumRecorder | A GroupSumRecorder class |
CGSSSS | A GSSSS class defines a solver using GSSSS algorithm |
CGSSSSOptimal | |
CHomogeneous | A Homogeneous class |
CHSection2D | A HSection2D class |
CIGA | |
CILU | A ILU class |
CImplicitIntegrator | |
CIntegrationPlan | An IntegrationPlan class |
CIntegrator | Basically a wrapper of the DomainBase class with regard to some status changing methods |
CISection2D | A ISection2D class |
CISection3D | A ISection3D class |
CIsotropicDamage | A IsotropicDamage material class |
CIsotropicElastic3D | Defines a isotropic elastic material for 3-D problems |
CIsotropicNonlinearElastic3D | The IsotropicNonlinearElastic3D class |
CJacobi | A Jacobi class |
CJoint | The Joint class |
CKelvin | A 1D Kelvin material class |
CLaminated | A Laminated material class |
CLBFGS | Defines a solver using LBFGS iteration method |
CLeeElementalNewmark | |
CLeeNewmark | A LeeNewmark class defines a solver using Newmark algorithm with Lee damping model |
CLeeNewmarkBase | A LeeNewmarkBase class defines a solver using Newmark algorithm with Lee damping model |
►CLeeNewmarkFull | A LeeNewmarkFull class defines a solver using Newmark algorithm with Lee damping model |
CMode | |
►CLeeNewmarkIterative | A LeeNewmarkIterative class defines a solver using Newmark algorithm with Lee damping model |
CMode | |
CLinear | A Linear class that can generate Amplitude pattern |
CLinearDamage | A LinearDamage material class |
CLinearHardeningNM | A LinearHardeningNM class |
CLinearSpring2D | A LinearSpring2D class |
CLinearViscosity | A LinearViscosity damping class |
CLineUDL | A LineUDL class |
CLineUDL2D | |
CLineUDL3D | |
CLJPotential2D | A LJPotential2D class |
Cload | |
CLoad | A Load class |
CLogicAND | |
CLogicConverger | That handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges |
CLogicCriterion | A LogicCriterion class |
CLogicCriterionAND | |
CLogicCriterionOR | |
CLogicOR | |
CLogicXOR | |
CLumpedScale | A LumpedScale mass class |
CLumpedSimple | A LumpedSimple mass class |
CMappingDOF | |
CMass | Point mass applied at unique points |
CMass2D | |
CMass3D | |
CMassBase | |
CMassPoint2D | |
CMassPoint3D | |
CMaterial | A Material abstract base class |
CMaterial1D | A Material1D class |
CMaterial2D | Defines a isotropic elastic material for plane stress and plane strain problems |
CMaterial3D | The Material3D class |
Cmaterial_property | |
CMaterialElement | The MaterialElement class |
CMaterialElement1D | |
CMaterialElement2D | |
CMaterialElement3D | |
CMaterialExample | A MaterialExample material class |
CMaterialExampleData | It is recommended to store data, especially constant data, in a simple structure. The motivation is to obtain a clear interface so that store and recover of objects will be easier |
CMaterialOS | The MaterialOS class |
CMaterialPatch | |
CMaterialPatch2D | |
CMaterialPatch3D | |
CMaterialTemplate | A MaterialTemplate class |
CMaxDisplacement | A MaxDisplacement class |
CMaxForce | |
CMaxHistory | A MaxHistory class |
CMaximumGap | |
CMaxResistance | A MaxResistance class |
CMaxwell | A 1D Maxwell material class |
CMetaMat | A MetaMat class that holds matrices |
CMinDisplacement | A MinDisplacement class |
CMindlin | A Mindlin plate class |
CMinimumGap | |
CMinResistance | A MinResistance class |
CModifier | A Modifier class |
CModifierDynamics | |
CModifierExample | A ModifierExample damping class |
CModulated | An Amplitude class that can generate Amplitude pattern |
CMooneyRivlin | Defines a Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic material for 3D problems |
CMPC | A MPC class |
CMPDC | A DisplacementControl class defines a solver using Newton–Raphson iteration |
CMPF | The MPF class |
CMultilinearElastic1D | A MultilinearElastic1D material class |
CMultilinearJ2 | The MultilinearJ2 class |
CMultilinearMises1D | A MultilinearMises1D material class |
CMultilinearOO | A MultilinearOO material class |
CMultilinearPO | A MultilinearPO material class |
CMultiplierBC | A MultiplierBC class handles boundary conditions |
CMVLEM | The MVLEM class |
CNewmark | A Newmark class defines a solver using Newmark algorithm |
CNewton | A Newton class defines a solver using Newton–Raphson iteration |
CNLE3D01 | The NLE3D01 class |
CNM2D1 | A NM2D1 class |
CNM2D2 | A NM2D2 class |
CNM2D3 | A NM2D3 class |
CNM3D1 | A NM3D1 class |
CNM3D2 | A NM3D2 class |
CNM3D3 | A NM3D3 class |
CNMB21 | The NMB21 class |
CNMB21E | The NMB21E class |
CNMB31 | The NMB31 class |
CNodalAcceleration | A NodalAcceleration class |
CNodalDisplacement | A NodalDisplacement class |
CNodalForce | A NodalForce class |
CNode | Holds the number of DoFs, coordinate, displacement, velocity and acceleration |
CNodeBasedCriterion | A NodeBasedCriterion class |
CNodeData | |
CNodeFacet | A NodeFacet class |
CNodeGroup | The NodeGroup class |
CNodeLine | A NodeLine class |
CNodeRecorder | A NodeRecorder class |
CNonlinearCamClay | The NonlinearCamClay class |
CNonlinearCDP | The NonlinearCDP class |
CNonlinearDruckerPrager | The NonlinearDruckerPrager class |
CNonlinearGurson | The NonlinearGurson class |
CNonlinearGurson1D | The NonlinearGurson1D class |
CNonlinearHill | The NonlinearHill class |
CNonlinearHoffman | The NonlinearHoffman class |
CNonlinearJ2 | The NonlinearJ2 class |
CNonlinearK4 | A ConcreteK4 material class |
CNonlinearMises1D | A NonlinearMises1D material class |
CNonlinearNM | A NonlinearNM class |
CNonlinearPeric | The NonlinearPeric class |
CNonlinearSystem | |
CNonlinearViscosity | A 1D Viscosity class |
CNonviscous01 | A 1D Viscosity class |
CNonviscousNewmark | A NonviscousNewmark class defines a solver using Newmark algorithm |
CNURBSBase | |
CNURBSCurve2D | |
CNURBSCurve3D | |
CNURBSCurve4D | |
CNURBSSurface | |
CNURBSSurface2D | |
CNURBSSurface3D | |
CNURBSSurface4D | |
CNURBSVolume | |
CNURBSVolume3D | |
CNURBSVolume4D | |
CNZStrongMotion | A NZStrongMotion class that can generate Amplitude pattern |
COALTS | A OALTS class defines a solver using OALTS algorithm |
Cop_add | |
Cop_scale | |
COptimization | A Optimization class |
COrientation | A Orientation class |
COriginOriented | A OriginOriented material class |
COrthotropicElastic3D | Defines an orthotropic elastic material for 3-D problems |
COS146 | |
COS146S | |
COscillator | |
CParabolicCC | The ParabolicCC class |
CParallel | A Parallel material class |
CParticleCollision | A ParticleCollision class |
CParticleCollision2D | A ParticleCollision2D class |
CParticleCollision3D | A ParticleCollision3D class |
CPatch | A Patch class |
CPatchCube | The PatchCube class |
CPatchQuad | Handles CPS4, CPE4, CPS4R and CPE4R elements. It is a four node constant strain membrane element with optional reduced integration for both plane stress and plane strain problems and optional switch for TL nonlinear geometry formulation |
CPCPE4DC | The PCPE4 class handles CPE4 elements with pore pressure |
CPCPE4UC | The PCPE4 class handles CPE4 elements with pore pressure |
CPCPE8DC | The PCPE8 class handles CPE8 elements with pore pressure |
CPCPE8UC | The PCPE8 class handles CPE8 elements with pore pressure |
CPeakOriented | A PeakOriented material class |
CPenaltyBC | A PenaltyBC class handles boundary conditions |
CPhaseField | A PhaseField class |
CPhaseFieldData | |
CPlaneStrain | A PlaneStrain class |
CPlaneStress | A PlaneStress class |
CPolyElastic1D | A PolyElastic1D material class |
CPolyJ2 | The PolyJ2 class |
CPreconditioner | A Preconditioner class |
CPS | Defines a Pian–Sumihara membrane element |
CQE2 | A QE2 class |
CQuadratic | |
CQuaternion | An Quaternion class |
CRambergOsgood | A RambergOsgood material class |
CRamm | A Ramm class defines a solver using Ramm's version of arc–length method |
CRamp | An Amplitude class that can generate Amplitude pattern |
CRayleigh | A Rayleigh damping class |
CRayleighNewmark | A RayleighNewmark class defines a solver using Newmark algorithm with Rayleigh damping model |
CRebar2D | A Rebar2D material class |
CRebar3D | A Rebar3D material class |
CRecorder | A Recorder class |
CRectangle1D | A Rectangle1D class |
CRectangle2D | A Rectangle2D class |
CRectangle3D | A Rectangle3D class |
CReferenceForce | A ReferenceForce class |
CRelDisp | That handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges |
CRelError | That handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges |
CRelIncreAcc | That handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges |
CRelIncreDisp | That handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges |
CRelIncreEnergy | Handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges |
CRelResidual | The Converger class handles converger test to indicate if the iteration converges according to various rules |
CResourceHolder | |
CRestitutionWallPenalty | A RestitutionWallPenalty class |
CRestitutionWallPenalty1D | |
CRestitutionWallPenalty2D | |
CRestitutionWallPenalty3D | |
CRigidWallMultiplier | A RigidWallMultiplier class |
CRigidWallMultiplier1D | |
CRigidWallMultiplier2D | |
CRigidWallMultiplier3D | |
CRigidWallPenalty | A RigidWall class |
CRigidWallPenalty1D | |
CRigidWallPenalty2D | |
CRigidWallPenalty3D | |
CRotation2D | A Rotation2D material class |
CRotation3D | A Rotation3D material class |
CS4 | A S4 class |
CSection | A Section class |
CSection1D | A Section1D class |
►CSection2D | A Section2D class |
CIntegrationPoint | |
►CSection3D | A Section3D class |
CIntegrationPoint | |
CSectionElement | The SectionElement class |
CSectionElement1D | |
CSectionElement2D | |
CSectionElement3D | |
CSectionExample | A SectionExample class |
CSectionNM | A SectionNM class |
CSectionNM2D | A SectionNM2D class |
CSectionNM3D | A SectionNM3D class |
CSectionNMElement2D | |
CSectionNMElement3D | |
►CSectionOS3D | A SectionOS3D class |
CIntegrationPoint | |
CSectionOSElement3D | |
CSectionPatch | |
CSectionPatch2D | |
CSectionPatch3D | |
CSectionShell | A SectionShell class |
CSectionShellData | |
CSequential | A Sequential material class |
CSGCMQ | A SGCMQ class |
CSGCMS | A SGCMS shell class |
CShellBase | A ShellBase class |
CSimpleHysteresis | A SimpleHysteresis material class |
CSimpleSand | The SimpleSand class |
CSimpleScalarExpression | |
CSimpleVectorExpression | |
CSine | An Amplitude class that can generate Amplitude pattern |
CSingleSection2D | The SingleSection2D class |
CSingleSection3D | The SingleSection3D class |
CSinh1D | A 1D Elastic class |
CSleeve | |
CSlipLock | The SlipLock class |
CSolver | A Solver class defines solvers used in analysis |
CSolverSetting | |
CSparseMat | A SparseMat class that holds matrices |
CSparseMatBaseMUMPS | |
CSparseMatCUDA | A SparseMatCUDA class that holds matrices |
CSparseMatFGMRES | A SparseMatFGMRES class that holds matrices |
CSparseMatLis | A SparseMatLis class that holds matrices |
CSparseMatMAGMA | A SparseMatMAGMA class that holds matrices |
CSparseMatMPI | A SparseMatMPI class that holds matrices |
CSparseMatMUMPS | A SparseMatMUMPS class that holds matrices |
CSparseMatPARDISO | A SparseMatPARDISO class that holds matrices |
CSparseMatSuperLU | A SparseMatSuperLU class that holds matrices |
CSparseSymmMatMUMPS | |
CSpring01 | The Spring01 class |
CSpring02 | The Spring02 class |
CStacked | A Stacked material class |
CStatic | A Static class |
CSteelBRB | The SteelBRB class |
CStep | A Step class |
CStorage | A candidate Storage class that stores FEM objects |
CStrainDegradation | |
CStrainEnergyEvolution | A StrainEnergyEvolution class |
CStressDegradation | |
CStressWrapper | A StressWrapper class |
CSubloading | A Subloading material class |
CSubloading1D | A Subloading1D material class |
CSubstepping | A Substepping material class |
CSumRecorder | A SumRecorder class |
CSupportAcceleration | |
CSupportDisplacement | |
CSupportMotion | A SupportAcceleration class |
CSupportVelocity | |
CSurfaceNM2D | A SurfaceNM2D class |
CSurfaceNM3D | A SurfaceNM3D class |
CSymmPackMat | A SymmPackMat class that holds matrices |
Csync_ostream | |
CSystem | |
CT2D2 | A T2D2 class |
CT2D2S | A T2D2S class |
CT2DC | A T2DC class |
CT2DL | A T2DL class |
CT3D2 | Handles both linear and nonlinear problems by using a corotational transformation |
CT3D2S | Handles both linear and nonlinear problems by using a corotational transformation |
CT3DC | A T3DC class |
CT3DL | A T3DL class |
CTableCDP | The TableCDP class |
CTableGurson | A TableGurson material class |
CTabular | A Tabular class that can generate Amplitude pattern |
CTabularSpline | A TabularSpline class that can generate Amplitude pattern |
CTag | A base Tag class |
CTanh1D | A 1D Elastic class |
CTchamwa | A Tchamwa class defines a solver using Tchamwa algorithm |
Cthread_pool | |
CTie | A Tie class |
CTimberPD | The TimberPD class |
CTranslationConnector | A TranslationConnector class |
CTranslationConnector2D | |
CTranslationConnector3D | |
CTrilinearStrainDegradation | The TrilinearStrainDegradation class |
Ctriplet_form | |
CTrivial | The Trivial class |
CTrussSection | A TrussSection class |
CTSection2D | A TSection2D class |
CTSection3D | A TSection3D class |
CUniaxial | A Uniaxial class |
CUnityPreconditioner | |
CUniversalOS | A UniversalOS class |
CVAFCRP | Defines a nonlinear hardening material with mixed hardening (isotropic and kinematic) based on J2 plasticity rule |
CVAFCRP1D | Defines a nonlinear hardening material with mixed hardening (isotropic and kinematic) based on J2 plasticity rule |
CVAFNM | A VAFNM class |
CViscosity01 | A 1D Elastic class |
CViscosity02 | A 1D Viscosity class |
CVisualisationRecorder | A VisualisationRecorder class |
CvtkBase | The vtkBase class |
CWilsonPenzienNewmark | A WilsonPenzienNewmark class defines a solver using Newmark algorithm with Wilson-Penzien damping model |
CYeoh | The Yeoh class |