mat | tensor::isotropic_stiffness (double, double) |
mat | tensor::orthotropic_stiffness (const vec &, const vec &) |
mat | tensor::unit_deviatoric_tensor4 () |
mat | tensor::unit_deviatoric_tensor4v2 () |
mat | tensor::unit_symmetric_tensor4 () |
double | tensor::stress::invariant1 (const vec &) |
| compute the first invariant of the given 3D stress tensor, could be either normal or deviatoric stress More...
double | tensor::stress::invariant2 (const vec &) |
| compute the second invariant of the given 3D stress tensor, could be either normal or deviatoric stress More...
double | tensor::stress::invariant3 (const vec &) |
| compute the third invariant of the given 3D stress tensor, could be either normal or deviatoric stress More...
double | tensor::stress::lode (vec) |
vec | tensor::stress::lode_der (vec) |
double | tensor::strain::invariant1 (const vec &) |
| compute the first invariant of the given 3D strain tensor, could be either normal or deviatoric strain More...
double | tensor::strain::invariant2 (const vec &) |
| compute the second invariant of the given 3D strain tensor, could be either normal or deviatoric strain More...
double | tensor::strain::invariant3 (const vec &) |
| compute the third invariant of the given 3D strain tensor, could be either normal or deviatoric strain More...
double | tensor::strain::lode (vec) |
double | tensor::trace2 (const vec &) |
| Only accepts 2D tensor! More...
double | tensor::trace3 (const vec &) |
| Only accepts 3D tensor! More...
double | tensor::mean3 (const vec &) |
vec | tensor::dev (const vec &) |
vec | tensor::dev (vec &&) |
mat | tensor::dev (const mat &) |
mat | tensor::dev (mat &&) |
mat | tensor::strain::to_green (mat &&) |
mat | tensor::strain::to_green (const mat &) |
mat | tensor::strain::to_tensor (const vec &) |
vec | tensor::strain::to_voigt (const mat &) |
double | tensor::strain::norm (const vec &) |
double | tensor::strain::norm (vec &&) |
double | tensor::strain::double_contraction (const vec &, const vec &) |
double | tensor::strain::double_contraction (vec &&, vec &&) |
mat | tensor::stress::to_tensor (const vec &) |
vec | tensor::stress::to_voigt (const mat &) |
double | tensor::stress::norm (const vec &) |
double | tensor::stress::norm (vec &&) |
double | tensor::stress::double_contraction (const vec &, const vec &) |
double | tensor::stress::double_contraction (vec &&, vec &&) |
vec3 | tensor::base::unit_norm (const vec3 &, const vec3 &) |
mat | tensor::diff_unit (const vec &) |
mat | tensor::diff_triad (const vec3 &, const vec3 &, const vec3 &) |
void | transform::hoffman_projection (const vec &, mat &, mat &) |
| Generate two projection matrix based on the given yield stress according to the Hoffman yielding criterion. More...
mat | transform::hill_projection (double, double, double, double, double, double) |
double | transform::atan2 (const vec &) |
mat | transform::compute_jacobian_nominal_to_principal (const mat &) |
mat | transform::compute_jacobian_principal_to_nominal (const mat &) |
mat | transform::eigen_to_tensor_base (const mat &) |
mat | transform::eigen_to_tensile_stress (const vec &, const mat &) |
mat | transform::eigen_to_tensile_derivative (const vec &, const mat &) |
template<typename T > |
Mat< T > | transform::skew_symm (const Mat< T > &R) |
template<HasEval T> |
mat | transform::skew_symm (const T &R) |
template<typename T > |
Mat< T > | transform::rodrigues (const Mat< T > &R) |
template<typename T > |
Quaternion< T > | transform::to_quaternion (const Mat< T > &R) |
template<typename T > |
Col< T > | transform::to_pseudo (const Mat< T > &R) |
double | transform::strain::angle (const vec &) |
mat | transform::strain::trans (double) |
vec | transform::strain::principal (const vec &) |
vec | transform::strain::rotate (const vec &, double) |
double | transform::stress::angle (const vec &) |
mat | transform::stress::trans (double) |
vec | transform::stress::principal (const vec &) |
vec | transform::stress::rotate (const vec &, double) |
mat | transform::beam::global_to_local (double, double, double) |
mat | transform::beam::global_to_local (const vec &, double) |
| a subroutine to get transformation matrix between global and local coordinate system More...
vec | transform::triangle::to_area_coordinate (const vec &, const mat &) |
template<typename T > |
T | suanpan::ramp (const T in) |