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Enable/Disable/Remove Objects

In suanPan, defining some objects does not necessarily mean those will be considered in analysis. Instead, each object has an 'active' flag, only active objects will be considered. Thus, it is possible to define a set of candidate objects (for example, a number of loads), and test different cases with different objects.

Furthermore, it is possible to remove some wrongly defined objects before performing the analysis.

Text Only
enable (1) [2...]
disable (1) [2...]
remove (1) [2...]
# (1) string, object type
# [2...] int, tags

For object types, possible values are: domain, step, converger, constraint, load, element, node , recorder, modifier, expression.

Enable/Disable Print Output

Additionally, it is possible to enable or disable output. Printing to screen buffer takes time. Once the model is confirmed to be correctly established, users can disable print to improve speed. Third-party libraries are not controlled by this command thus may print.

Text Only
enable print
disable print