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This command category can be used to test sections without establishing a FE model.


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sectionTest1D (1) (2) (3) [4...]
# (1) int, unique tag of the section model to use
# (2) double, size of per deformation increment
# (3) int, number of steps along increment direction
# [4...] int, optional numbers of steps for deformation history

sectionTest2D (1) (2...3) (4) [5...]
# (1) int, unique tag of the section model to use
# (2...3) double, size of per deformation increment
# (4) int, number of steps along increment direction
# [5...] int, optional numbers of steps for deformation history

sectionTest3D (1) (2...4) (5) [6...]
# (1) int, unique tag of the section model to use
# (2...4) double, size of per deformation increment
# (5) int, number of steps along increment direction
# [6...] int, optional numbers of steps for deformation history


  1. The increment size could be either positive or negative.
  2. The loading direction reverses after given numbers of steps.
  3. The strain-stress history would be saved to RESULT.txt. If HDF5 is used, the result would be additionally saved to RESULT.h5.
  4. The deformation vector consists of axial deformation, rotation about strong axis, rotation about weak axis. 1D, 2D and 3D sections have the first, first two and all three components respectively.


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material Bilinear1D 1 29 0.05 0.01

section US2D W21X68 1 1

sectiontest2d 1 1E-3 0 100

For the above example, a W21X68 section is defined with the bilinear hardening model. It is loaded with 100 increments of \(\num{1E-3}\) axial deformation while the rotation is zero.